Monday, 26 March 2012

Malaysia for good ; container service

sabtu lepas, selamat  sudah barang-barang kitorang dihantar ke yard untuk seterusnya dihantar ke port seterusnya dihantar ke MALAYSIA weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

lori yang siap diload barang, get ready untuk ke nagoya

masu-masu  rasa dah nak balik dah ni woi! woot woot! hahaha

Alhamdulillah berjaya jugak anto barang. bukan senang woo! macam-macam dugaan

Kitorang amek servis kontena dari ABIJapan yang beroperasi melalui port Nagoya. Tau ni kawan yang nak balik for good jugak ,yus yang dapat info dari kakrozi.

ABIJapan ni dengar nya baru start buat bisnes ni, jadi ni first time dia la. Yang buat nye student Master kat GifuDaigaku yang akan sambung PhD next sem insyaAllah. So, dia ni ada style tersendiri la dm uruskan kontena yang dia amek ni.

Kontena ni pon macam2 cara , or jenis yang boleh amek. yang kitorang amek kali ni barang and kereta diseperatekan. untuk barang, kami amek 5meter padu space. kiranya satu kontena tu dikoongsi beberapa orang pastu setiap orang boleh amek berapa meter padu yang diorang nak. kereta pulak asing.

kenapa kitorang amek servis ABIJapan ni? dalam banyak-banyak yang kitorang survey; call n email gyousha, ABIJapan ni harga paling berpatutan dan paling sesweei dengan need kitorang. Biasanya orang akan balik ke malaysia bulan March or april sebab student grad on march and business year pon start on April. Tapi kitorang ni pulak balik May, atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Jadi nak kalo nak murah, kenalah join orang yang ramai-ramai ni. tanya quote for April, sgtla mahal kontenanye. plus, we need to use our car sampai ke masa yang paling lama kitorang boeh pakai. takkan la kitorang nk blk may, kena shipping kete mid march.mau aku duk terperap je kat umah hahaha.

according to ABIJapan ni lagi, kalau amek servis yang kita share kontena dengan orang lain ni, cost nak bukak kontena kat malaysia ni lagi murah, sebab kita share. kalau kita amek satu kontena yang masuk kete sekali, takut urusan bukak kontena jadi lagi lambat kalau kete prob. itu kata dia la, bukan mama ye. Lagipon servis yang ditawarkan sampai ke rumah (malaysia). Jadi senang la keje kitorang sbb ada possibility  barang akan sampai before we reach tanahair terchenta. insyaAllah my PIL akan ada uruskan barang kat sana kalau kitorang taksempat sampai.

untuk kereta, date belum ditetapkan untuk kes kitorang.tapi untuk kawan; yus yang balik awal april ni, kete seme da siap anta kat port dah. tunggu kastam and lepastu insyaAllah shipping la kot. harap2 semua selamat sampai.

'orang kuat' operasi kali ni

until kete kena anto, bolehla merendek kot wahaha ..oopps eventho brg da anto port, barang kat rumah banyak lagi ni.. DOUSURU??

Thursday, 22 March 2012

3kg tiramisu

since im using the pancake as the base, so x salah for having a scoop (read scoop scoop scoop) of tiramisu for breakfast kan?haha

lepas microwave punye plate da msk kotak ni, rajin pulak aku nak membaking.buang tebiat! tgh bz2 ni la dtg penyakit 'rajin' tak bertempat haha

tapi i need to control makan.last time during my anatenal checkup doc dah warning berat naik mencanak.hahahaha

'akachang ha genki. junchou desuyo. demo mama ha kiotsukenaito.. taijuu 3kiro mo fuetayo'

hikhik..dah nama lagi baru baik dari mabuk alahan;p mama qada' la makan mama selama beberapa bulan the result, hamek ko! 3kg! hahha

ok,kena control makan. xmo jd debu pregnant lady. n takmo baby jadi debu jugak! kena stay fit and healthy.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

pertukaran status

it is not as scandalous as the tajuk says
but yes,
today im completely will change my status

errr, visa status ;p

no more title engineer ;(

arini pergi imigresen.nak claim visa woot woot

Thursday, 15 March 2012

kafun ha iya!

kap alif fun!!!

arghhh!!! tsurai yo

konkai ichiban hidoi!

maiban nemurenaihibi no nakade kikoku suru jumbi mo susumanakya

yappa kenkou daiichi dane

karada ga genki dattara, insyaAllah hokano shigotomo smoooth ni ikimasu

hayaku genki ninaranakya.... nante omouto

kafun ha kusuri nai yo

atta toshitemo,atashi nomenai shiii ;((

maaa maaaa moucotto mama!!! gambare!
Kamisama ha watashitachi no limit ijou ha tameshinai kara
dekiru!norikoeru kara koso tamesareterundayo!


Thursday, 1 March 2012

how to measure your PB size

There's only 4 areas for you to measure. And it is important to measure them precisely in centimeters (cm).
You need to measure:
1/ bust
2/ underbust
3/ waist - to do the trick: put your hand down at the side of the body. The waist line is the same line as your elbow
4/ hips *buttocks to be accurate ;)

selamat mengukur! then u can give me a ring or leave a message to get ur PB size. ;)

090-8092-1979 (jpn)

how to wear your PB

full set of premium beautiful corset

pic from our leader hanis :)
entry takrn from by biz partner merangkap leader kecik comel, farhan nadia bakly


From the 3 pieces, you will wear the Long Girdle first.
  1. Firstly, fold the top of the long girdle outwards.
  2. Put your legs in carefully and slowly pull the girdle up until you have reached your hips. You may want to pull it one side after another "left right left right". Then you can unflod the folded part up to cover your tummy.
  3. Depends on the person but the upper part of the girdle should be above your belly button.
  4. Put one hand into the girdle (at the back) and pull up the flesh to lift up your buttocks, while the other hand pushes from the outside.
  5. Once it's done, adjust the girdle so that that you are comfortable and ensure that the butterfly is aligned centre of your body.


  1. Bend down slightly so that your breasts can fill in the cup properly.
  2. Fasten all the hooks at your back. Ask for help from husband/ roomates/ mother/ sisters for the first timer ;)
  3. Put your hands into the cup and pull all the flesh from the back into the cup or use 2 fingers (index and middle finger). Keep doing this until you can see you have a 'flat back' especially around the scapula area.
  4. Adjust the strap and back.
  5. Ensure that the diamond and butterfly is aligned to the centre of your body, following the long girdle, and you're done.


This will go on last.
  1. Fasten the hook on the waist nipper. The hooks is placed on the left side of your body and the butterfly and the diamond at the top. You might need a help for first timer ;)
  2. Adjust the waist nipper and ensure that it is aligned with the diamond and butterfly from your long bra.
  3. Stand straight, inhale and pull the string to tighten and take it to the front of the body
  4. Tie the strings together. Hook the string at the front of your body as in the picture.

lifetime warranty babe ^^

cuba dulu, baru kenal. tak kenal, maka tak chenta  ;p

    how to wash your PB

    Q: How often should I wash my PB set?
    A: When you feel it's time to wash. You know your own body, you how much you sweat (or not). I personally don't have a wash schedule for my sets, I wash them whenever I want. sometimes the long girdle 2x a week, sometimes the waist nipper once a week, depends on me ;)
    Q: How long will it take to dry?
    A: If you wash it at night when you get back from work, just hang dry it under the fan or a.c or airy area and your sets should have dried the next morning ;)
    Q: What type of detergent should I use?
    A: Any soft detergent should be fine (including body wash or shampoo!). DON'T use bleach! Avoid powder detergent because we don't want to leave any unwanted residue on the FIR fabric. Recommended to use Premium Beautiful Natural Wash, specially formulated for lingerie (RM 42 per bottle)
    How to wash/ clean your PB sets
    1) What you need is a pail, detergent, clean water, dry clean towel, hangers

    2) Dilute the detergent with clean water in a pail

    3) Clean your PB sets lightly with care, DON'T use brush.
    4) or you can just leave it in the pail for 15 mins or so
    5) Rinse the PB sets thoroughly with clean water. DON'T wring or twist it.
    6) Dewatering your PB sets by wrapping up using a dry towel
    7) Hang them on hangers and put them under a shady and airy place. NO direct sunlight!

    - Hand wash only
    - No dryer
    - No wring or twist
    - No bleach or chlorine detergent
    - No ironing
    - No direct sunlight