Wednesday, 21 September 2011

how do i met PB

my first encounter towards big changes insya Allah

i just knew PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL (PB) recently from my high school friend.she is a good friend of mine and also is a mother to a cute baby boy aged almost same like anas.We share things about parenting and breastfeeding and CDing (yes,anas mmg pakai CD) , allergies among babies and macam-macam..

one day she said she involve in this one friend i know, dia ni jenis yang cerewet sikit nak percaya apa apa tau.tapi dia cakap ada satu product ni, help her to get her before-kawen body.on top of that it help her increase her milk production. OK unlike me,she is a full working mother yet full breastfeed her baby.dia sangat dedicate on buat ebm.and for those fully breastfeed mommies out there i think u might understand why i`m saying that increase milk production sangat penting kan.especially for working mommies.

i actually have back pain. one of the reason i suspect is because my baby like to menyusu baring. anas suka sangat menyusu baring.memang dari dia newborn lagi. tapi sekarang he weighted almost you can imagine la kan ^^. plus, i memang husband said lepas beranak ni lagi slouch hoho *ketuk kepala sendiri* dia selalu ingatkan i ''duk stret,jangan slauch!'' haha..yela,tapi berapa kali sangat la i ingat kan..dia pon takkan nak ingatkan everytime everyday. penat jugak nak ingatkan tuh hihi.

so what my friend said?she suggested PB to me. she said one of her friends pon have the same problem like mine and her friend tu, alhamdulillah recover after using PB.i terus google about PB. yela kan, bukan tak percaya member, tapi PB ni mahal woo!harga pon RM2+++. mau gaji sebulan tu *oops i xde gaji,surirumah aje hikhik* i baca banyak review on PB and seme yang indah-indah belaka. lepas tu baru la i tahu, ramai dah member-member dan orang sekeliiling i da pakai PB.loh!kalau macam tu senang la kerja!i tanya diorang yang dah pakai  and they all said PB ni bagus dan berkesan! i said to myself, why dont i give a try kan. sebab backpain ni sangat menyukarkan kita buat kerja rumah.nak main ngan anas pon terganngu sebab duk 'aduh aduh sakit belakang'. kalau boleh kurus, lagi best hahaha!

alhamdulillah, after using PB tak sampai pon 2 minggu i dah tak ada back pain..its gone!(^^)/.yey! so sekarang ni i tengah menunggu other miracles of PB come hit me haha

i will update more on what PB 'do' or 'did' to me. i hope SOON!hehe

until next entry

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